niedziela, 14 listopada 2010

Słodki ... Słony (Magda Gessler)
45 Mokotowska

This was a long awaited trip.  The first time I had a dessert from Słodki Słony (which means Sweet Savory/Salty) was at a friend's house.  These are the things I knew about the dessert:  It was VERY expensive and AMAZINGLY delicious.  It was a chocolate cake, rolled and filled with marscapone (mixed with a lot of sugar) and dark red cherries.  I melted with every bite.  That was about a year ago and last week, I finally made it down to the real deal!

After looking at the website, I expected the inside to be bright and modern which heightened my excitement.  I like showy fashionable places.  Then, I showed up and here is the entrance:
Entrance to Słodki Słony at Mokotowska 45

 It is homey, warm and cozy.  WHAT?!?  I usually like this kind of atmosphere (it's a bit like Casa To Tu, which I LOVE inside) but it was so far from my expectations that I found myself a bit disappointed in it.  I took some time to try and look in the display case while I was waiting for my company but it was hard to catch a glance due to the amount of people who were in line.   The place was packed - and at 250.00zl per cake, I guess business is going pretty well.

My friends showed up and we sat in a little corner that was a bit dark ---->
There were doilies everywhere (I hate doilies) but it was time to eat, so I figured we should get to it.  Poland as a general rule does an amazing job with seasonal eating.  Everywhere right now has pumpkin everything which is a big plus for me because I'm a big fan.  I ate some really delicious pumpkin soup that had a  hint of cheese in it with some pan fried pumpkin seeds and followed it up with a salad.  While Poland does seasonal foods well, as a general rule, it sucks at great salads but this one was an exception.  Arugula, Bacon, Cheese, YUM.  Both of my friends ordered (keeping in tradition with pumpkin season) pumpkin pancakes with goat cheese, spinach and walnuts.  Also amazing.  I was really surprised by the quality of the "savory" food choices considered this restaurant is so well known for it's sweets.  But, here, check it out for yourself.. the savory dishes were GREAT.

Rucola, Bacon, Cherry Tomatoes and Feta

Pumpkin Cakes with Goat Cheese, Spinach and Walnuts

And then, finally, it was time for dessert.  I was so excited.  So so excited.  And they were just alright.  My Napoleonka was a little hard on the edges (sat there all day pre cut?) and cost 12zl.  My friends had a type of donut stuffed with cherry and a type of french crust with sliced plums.  All just ok.  For the full meal, we paid over 200.00zl.  The desserts look amazing, so I'll include pictures but when you make your trip to Słodki Słony, be sure to get that chocolate roll that I mentioned at the beginning - I guarantee it's a success, even if it will costyou 18zl  :)


Cherry stuffed pastry

Plum flatbread


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